
1. Introduction to server

       The server is called a server because the server as a whole is a member of the service to a user (client) connected to one another in a network.The server also serves to organize and provide access to users who are connected to sever .as an example of the access rights granted by the server is the right to internet access, directory access, and so on.
      Apart from that server can also serve as a wall of security (Firewall.The server function is very important in a network connected to external networks such as the Internet, where it is able to prevent the relationship in which the network willing or able to damage or steal data within the network.The server can also be used as a router that connects between the other networks even different segmen.There are various services or service provided by the server to the client which is E-Mail, Domain, Web, Proxy, etc.

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1.1 TAG/ID Pelayan

each server supplied by the provider will be accompanied by the name or ID TAG server .It is also known as the serial number. TAG / server ID is intended to enable the provider to identify the type of servers that they serve include the server hardware and software.the provider usually will create a data Penkala buyer information such as company name, address, date of purchase, warranty claims status, support services, the list of hardware and software list.

Image result for TAG/ID server pics


The server is a computer that acts as the central controlling data access in a network (Client-Server) such as LAN, W-LAN, and others. The server can control all access PC Client.
The conclusion is that basically, the server and the PC is equally a computer, only the functions, features, and different hardware specifications. Illustration, when some PC will exchange data, so they can put on and take it on the server computer. Because the server computer specifications are usually much nicer and bigger than PC.
B. Specifications for Server Hardware
Hardware specifications that need to be considered to include the server mainboard, processor type and speed, amount of RAM, hard drive capacity, Graphics Cards (VGA), and the resolution of the monitor.
1 piece unit has a recommended server computer:
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4 / 1.8 GHz
- Memory: 1 GB
- Hard drive: 40 GB
- Floppy Disk Drive: 1.44 MB 3.5 "
- CD-ROM: 52x
- VGA Card: 64 MB share
- Monitor: SVGA 15 "
- Keyboard and Mouse: Serial / PS2
- Modem / LAN Card: Internal / 10/100 MBps
- Soundcard: Onboard
- Speaker / Headset Multimedia
- Stabilizer: Denkyu 500 VA
- Installation Software: Windows 2000 Server, Linux, Education for Children, Software standards
- 1 printer unit
- Switch 6-port Hub
There are also several kinds of specifications based on the type of operating system, as follows.
- Server (Ubuntu Server + Squid Proxy Server)

  1. Intel Dual Core processor (2.6 Ghz) TRAY
  2. Mainboard ASUS P5 KPL AM-SE (Astrindo)
  3. V-gen DDR2 Memory 2 GB
  4. 20 GB SCSI hard disk 2 (2nd and subject to stock)
  5. E-ATX Case Case + 2 CPU FAN
  6. Ethernet / LAN Card additional 1 piece

- Mikrotik OS:
Intel Pentium 4 (2.4 GHz) TRAY
Mainboard P4M945 AMTRON LM4
V-gen DDR2 Memory 1 Gb
Seagate / WDC / Maxtor 40Gb IDE Type
E-ATX Case Case + 2 CPU FAN
Ethernet / LAN Card additional 1 piece
C. Different Operating Systems Server and PC
Network operating system or the computer operating system that is used as a server in a computer network operating system is almost similar to a stand-alone computer (PC), the difference is only in the network operating system, one of the computers must act as a server for other computers. In addition to the operating system used to manage network resources itself also to manage the resources of other computers that are members of the network.
The operating system must be installed into the computer in order to function properly. In a network operating system installation mode there are several options available in the form of text mode and graphics mode. Text-based operating system installation is one of the computer operating system installation mode for text display.
Use text mode if the computer hardware specifications have to be installed specifications. The text-based installation method will speed up the installation process text-based operating system installation is often used to speed up the installation process even with the less pleasant. Typically for a simple computer specifications compared with the operating system will use the text-based method.
D. Sample Operating System Server and PC
The operating system on the server is various, namely the family of Microsoft Windows (Win NT, Win 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003), Linux (RedHat, Mandrake, Debian, SuSE, Caldera, etc.), UNIX, Free BSD, Solaris.
While the PC operating system such as DOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix, Apple Macintosh Operating System, and others.
E. Features found in the Operating System Server that is not on PC
An operating system on the server is the software that controls the network and messages (eg package) and the queues of traffic, control access by multiple users to network resources such as files, and to provide certain administrative functions, including security.
The top five layers of the OSI Reference Model provides the foundation on which many network-based operating system.
Its features include: Support policies to support hardware port. Security features such as authentication, authorization, login restrictions, and access control. The name of the service and directory services. File, print, data storage, backup, and replication services. The remote access. Management Systems. Network administration and auditing graphical interface equipment. Clustering Capabilities. As well as fault tolerance and high availability.

• Specifications of PC for IIS Web Server
1. Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz processor
2. Memory 256 MB
3. Operating System Windows XP Professional
4. Hard drive minimum
· System policy 500MB
· All tasks 1GB

• Specifications of PC for DNS and DHCP Server
1. AMD Athlon (MXP 2100+) 1733 MHz
2. Memory 256MB
3. Slackware Linux Operating System 9
4. Hard drive minimum
· System policy 500MB
· All tasks 1GB

Here are some of the components that you need to look at in terms of hardware
When planning the development of the Zimbra mail server based on the estimated
account number of ± 1000 users:

Processor: Minimum Pentium 4 3 GHz 64-bit, recommendations Xeon, 64-bit
RAM / Memory: At least 4 GB, 8 GB recommendations
Hard drive: Double Hard Drive, SATA / SCSI / SAS H / W RAID or S / W
Use hardware RAID if any, minimum scheme is RAID 1 / mirror disk,
with an optional RAID-5 if the hard drive> = 3
Network: Dual Gigabit Network Card
Bandwidth: At least 128 Kbps dedicated

In addition to the account number, the hardware specifications should also consider the number of
email traffic and access mechanisms. It could be the number of traffic but little account
email sizeable / solid and vice versa.
If the traffic is quite heavy email traffic, consider separating the server,
for example separate service services for anti spam and anti virus into
another server.
If the user access mail using webmail, amount of memory and speed
the server must be higher than if the user access mail using
email client. This is because at the time of accessing webmail user use
server resources.

While the minimum computer specifications that are used to
server database of auction application system procurement of goods or services
the DGCA is as follows:

1. Processor Intel CORE TO DUO or equivalent
2. Memory 2 GB
3. Hard Drive 120 GB 5400 rpm
4. Backup Hard Drive 120 GB 5400 rpm
5. NIC (Network Interface Card)
6. Keyboard
7. Mouse
8. Windows 2000 Server
9. MySQL 5.0.20
10. Internet Explorer 6 or above

Mail Server Specifications:

o Processor Xeon 3 GHz (single-core or Multi Core)
o Hard ranging from 80 GB up to 200 GB (bigger is better to use in the future)
o FastEthernet or Gigabit Ethernet NIC
o Memory 2 GB

PC Specs: P3 800 MHz, Mem 256, HD 30 Gb, 2 LAN Card (1 LAN onboard, one extra LAN)
OS: OS Mikrotik 2.29.XX
ISP: Telkom Speedy (Professional) 1 line
Modem Sanex brand standard built-speedy
Client: 10 computers
ü Processor at least 166 megahertz or higher processor has the higher speed.
ü A fast hard drive and large capacity or approximately 10 GB or more. Because of its function as a disk server hard disk capacity is certainly great untapped singga can meet the demands of the network in terms of network file storage.
ü A RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks).
ü A tape for backing up data such as DAT, JAZ, Zip, or CDRW.
ü Have a lot of network ports.
ü The network card is fast and has a reliability work.
ü Approximately 32 MB of memory capacity.
ü Application Example: For example manage the shipping database or word processing files from one workstation or node to another node, or receive an email at the same time with other tasks. An example implementation on openSUSE Samba Server as a File Server without PDC / OpenLDAP.
            ü Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
ü Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
ü Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Longhorm
ü Microsoft Windows NT
ü Linux Operating System
ü Unix Operating System
ü OS / 2 Operating System
ü Free BSD.
FTP Server:
At least Pentium 3
PS 250 Watt
Ram 256 Mb
HD 10 GB
CD Drive 32 X
10/100 NIC

mail Server
Processor Intel / AMD 1.5 GHz 32bit
Memory 1 GB
Disk 80 GB SATA
Lan Card 10/100 Mbps

Image result for spesifikasi server


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